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int phLinkedList::enqueue phLinkedListNode node  ) 

This queues a node in a list when the list is being used as a queue. Queuing a node means the node is added to the head of the list. Other implementations of dequeue and enqueue may have the operations reversed from Phission's implementation where the enqueue places a node at the tail of the list rather than the head. What matters is that the enqueue and dequeue operations operate on opposite ends of the list.

A value denoting the success of the enqueue operation.
Return values:
phSUCCESS The node was successfully enqueued.
phFAIL The node didn't get enqueued.

Definition at line 393 of file phLinkedList.cpp.

Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Philip D.S. Thoren ( )
University Of Massachusetts at Lowell
Robotics Lab Logo

Generated on Sat Jun 16 02:44:57 2007 for phission by  doxygen 1.4.4