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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002     Phission : 
00003         Realtime Vision Processing System
00005     Copyright (C) 2003 Philip D.S. Thoren (
00006     University of Massachusetts at Lowell,
00007     Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
00009     This file is part of Phission.
00011  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00012 #include <phSimpleVisionTest.h>
00013 #include <phission.h>
00014 #include <fcntl.h>
00015 #include <errno.h>
00017 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00018 int glbl_disable_displays   = 0;
00019 int glbl_usenet_displays    = 0;
00020 int glbl_demo_filters       = 0;
00021 int glbl_print_histogram    = 0;
00022 int glbl_print_blobs        = 0;
00023 int glbl_color_count        = 0;
00024 int glbl_test               = 0;
00026 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00027 void usage()
00028 {
00029     printf("\n\n\tUsage:\n");
00030     printf("\t\t\t--help\t\t\tdisplay usage\n");
00031     printf("\t\t\t--blobs\t\t\tenable the printing of blob data\n");
00032     printf("\t\t\t--hists\t\t\tenable the printing of hist data\n");
00033     printf("\t\t\t--net\t\t\tdisable normal displays and use only NetDisplay functionality.\n");
00034     printf("\t\t\t--demo\t\t\tdemo all the filters by iterating through them; train and track are last.\n");
00035     printf("\t\t\t--nodisplay\tdisable the allocation, opening or any use of a display.\n");
00036     printf("\t\t\t--test <value>\tsleep 'value' seconds between filters and then close test\n");
00037     printf("\n\n");
00039     exit(1);
00040 }
00042 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00043 /* This allows me to set the non blocking flag on stdin so I can check to 
00044  * see if the user has closed the displays. We can exit that way easily */
00045 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00046 int set_blocking(FILE *f, int block)
00047 {
00048     phFUNCTION("set_blocking")
00049     int flags = 0;
00051     flags = fcntl(fileno(f),F_GETFL,0);
00052     phCHECK_RC(flags,"fcntl:F_GETFL","fcntl failed to get fd flags");
00054     if (block)
00055         flags &- ~O_NONBLOCK;
00056     else
00057         flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
00059     rc = fcntl(fileno(f),F_SETFL,flags);
00060     phCHECK_RC(rc,"fcntl:F_SETFL","fcntl failed to set fd flags");
00062     return phSUCCESS;
00063 error:
00064     return phFAIL;
00065 }
00067 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00068 int wait_for(int wait,phDisplayInterface *d)
00069 {
00070     phFUNCTION("wait_for_user")
00071     int retrc = phSUCCESS;
00072     char byte = 0;
00074     if (d == NULL)
00075     {
00076 #if !defined(WIN32)
00077         if (!wait)
00078         {
00079             rc = set_blocking(stdin,0); /* 0 : don't block */
00080             phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"set_blocking failed.");
00081         }
00082 #endif
00084         do
00085         {
00086             errno = 0;
00087             byte = getc(stdin);
00088             if (byte == -1)
00089             {
00090                 if (errno == EAGAIN)
00091                 {
00092                     retrc = 1;
00093                     phMSleep(1);
00094                 }
00095                 else
00096                 {
00097                     retrc = phFAIL;
00098                     phPRINT_RC(byte,"getc","getc failed.");
00099                 }
00100             }
00101             else if (byte == 'c')
00102             {
00103                 retrc = phSUCCESS;
00104             }
00105             else// if (byte == '\n')
00106             {
00107                 retrc = 1;
00108             }
00109         } while ((retrc == 1) && (wait == 1));
00111         rc = set_blocking(stdin,1);
00112         phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"set_blocking failed.");
00113     }
00114     else if (d != NULL)
00115     {
00116         do
00117         {
00118             if (d->isOpen()) 
00119             {
00120                 retrc = 1;
00121             }
00122             else
00123             {
00124                 retrc = phSUCCESS;
00125             }
00126         } while ((retrc == 1) && (wait));
00128         if (retrc == phSUCCESS)
00129         {
00130             rc = d->open();
00131             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"d->open()");
00132         }
00133     }
00135     return retrc;
00136 error:
00137     return phFAIL;
00138 }
00140 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00141 void print_menu()
00142 {
00143     phPRINT("\n 1.) empty | e\n");
00144     phPRINT(" 2.) motion| m \n");
00145     phPRINT(" 3.) canny | c\n");
00146     phPRINT(" 4.) sobel | s\n");
00147     phPRINT(" 5.) gaussian | g\n");
00148     phPRINT(" 6.) mean\n");
00149     phPRINT(" 7.) median | med\n");
00150     phPRINT(" 8.) inverse | i\n");
00151     phPRINT(" 9.) threshold | t\n");
00152     phPRINT("10.) add | a\n");
00153     phPRINT("11.) subtract | sub\n\n");
00154     phPRINT("12.) quit | q\n\n");
00155     phPRINT("Enter your choice: ");
00156 }
00158 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00159 int demo_filters(phSimpleVision *vision)
00160 {
00161     phFUNCTION("demo_filters")
00162     int32_t     done            = 0;
00163     int32_t     do_print_menu   = 1;
00164     char        *ptr            = NULL;
00165     char        command[255];
00166     uint32_t    command_length  = 253;
00168     uint32_t    loop_count      = 0;
00169     char        *commands[]     = { "empty ",
00170                                     "motion ",
00171                                     "canny ",
00172                                     "sobel ",
00173                                     "gaussian ",
00174                                     "mean ",
00175                                     "median ",
00176                                     "inverse ",
00177                                     "threshold ",
00178                                     "add ",
00179                                     "subtract ",
00180                                     "quit " };
00181     uint32_t    num_commands    = sizeof(commands) / sizeof(char *);
00183     phDisplayInterface  *d1         = NULL;
00184     phDisplayInterface  *d2         = NULL;
00186     if (!glbl_disable_displays) 
00187     {
00188         d1 = vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Capture);
00189         phCHECK_PTR(d1,NULL,"vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Capture)");
00191         d2 = vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline);
00192         phCHECK_PTR(d2,NULL,"vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline)");
00193     }
00195     set_blocking(stdin,0);
00196     while (!done)
00197     {
00198         /* Print the menu */
00199         if (do_print_menu)
00200         { 
00201             print_menu();
00202             do_print_menu = 0;
00203         }
00205         /* If we're testing, then cycle through the commands */
00206         if (glbl_test)
00207         {
00208             snprintf(command,255,"%s",commands[loop_count]);
00209             loop_count++;
00210             if (loop_count > num_commands) loop_count = 0;
00211         }
00212         /* otherwise get the input from the user */
00213         else
00214         {
00215             errno = 0;
00216             ptr = fgets(command,command_length,stdin);
00217             if (ptr == NULL)
00218             {
00219                 if ((errno == 0) || (errno == EAGAIN))
00220                 {
00221                     if (!glbl_disable_displays)
00222                     {
00223                         if ((!d1->isOpen()) && (!d2->isOpen()))
00224                         {
00225                             done = 1;
00226                         }
00227                     }
00228                     phMSleep(100);
00229                     continue;
00230                 }
00231                 else
00232                 {
00233                     phCONT_RC(-1,"fgets","fgets(command,command_length,stdin)");
00234                 }
00235             }
00236         }
00238         if (strlen(command) > 0)
00239         {
00240             command[strlen(command) - 1] = '\0';
00241         }
00243         if ((strncmp("empty",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00244             (strncmp("e",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00245             (strncmp("1",command,command_length) == 0))
00246         {
00247             phPRINT("set empty filter\n");
00248             rc = vision->empty();
00249             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->empty()");
00250             do_print_menu = 1;
00251         }
00252         else if ((strncmp("motion",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00253                  (strncmp("m",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00254                  (strncmp("2",command,command_length) == 0))
00255         {
00256             phPRINT("set motion filter\n");
00257             rc = vision->motion();
00258             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->motion()");
00259             do_print_menu = 1;
00260         }
00261         else if ((strncmp("canny",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00262                  (strncmp("c",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00263                  (strncmp("3",command,command_length) == 0))
00264         { 
00265             phPRINT("set canny filter\n");
00266             rc = vision->canny();
00267             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->canny()");
00268             do_print_menu = 1;
00269         }
00270         else if ((strncmp("sobel",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00271                  (strncmp("s",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00272                  (strncmp("4",command,command_length) == 0))
00273         { 
00274             phPRINT("set sobel filter\n");
00275             rc = vision->sobel();
00276             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->sobel()");
00277             do_print_menu = 1;
00278         }
00279         else if ((strncmp("gaussian",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00280                  (strncmp("g",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00281                  (strncmp("5",command,command_length) == 0))
00282         {
00283             phPRINT("set gaussian filter\n");
00284             rc = vision->gaussian();
00285             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->gaussian()");
00286             do_print_menu = 1;
00287         }
00288         else if ((strncmp("mean",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00289                  (strncmp("6",command,command_length) == 0))
00290         {
00291             phPRINT("set mean filter\n");
00292             rc = vision->mean();
00293             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->mean()");
00294             do_print_menu = 1;
00295         }
00296         else if ((strncmp("median",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00297                  (strncmp("med",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00298                  (strncmp("7",command,command_length) == 0))
00299         {
00300             phPRINT("set median filter\n");
00301             rc = vision->median();
00302             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->median()");
00303             do_print_menu = 1;
00304         } 
00305         else if ((strncmp("inverse",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00306                  (strncmp("i",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00307                  (strncmp("8",command,command_length) == 0))
00308         {
00309             phPRINT("set inverse filter\n");
00310             rc = vision->inverse();
00311             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->inverse()");
00312             do_print_menu = 1;
00313         }
00314         else if ((strncmp("threshold",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00315                  (strncmp("t",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00316                  (strncmp("9",command,command_length) == 0))
00317         {
00318             phPRINT("set threshold filter\n");
00319             rc = vision->threshold();
00320             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->threshold()");
00321             do_print_menu = 1;
00322         }
00323         else if ((strncmp("add",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00324                  (strncmp("a",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00325                  (strncmp("10",command,command_length) == 0))
00326         {
00327             phPRINT("set add filter\n");
00328             rc = vision->add();
00329             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->add()");
00330             do_print_menu = 1;
00331         }
00332         else if ((strncmp("subtract",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00333                  (strncmp("sub",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00334                  (strncmp("11",command,command_length) == 0))
00335         {
00336             phPRINT("set subtract filter\n");
00337             rc = vision->subtract();
00338             phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->subtract()");
00339             do_print_menu = 1;
00340         }
00341         else if ((strncmp("quit",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00342                  (strncmp("12",command,command_length) == 0) ||
00343                  (strncmp("q",command,command_length) == 0))
00344         {
00345             done = 1;
00346         }
00347         else
00348         {
00349             phPRINT("Invalid choice.\n\n");
00350             do_print_menu = 1;
00351         }
00352         /* sleep here during testing; allows the filter to run */
00353         if (glbl_test)
00354         {
00355             phSleep(glbl_test);
00356         }
00357     }
00359     set_blocking(stdin,1);
00360     return phSUCCESS;
00361 error:
00362     set_blocking(stdin,1);
00363     return phFAIL;
00364 }
00366 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00367 int train_and_track(phSimpleVision *vision)
00368 {
00369     phFUNCTION("train_and_track")
00370     int         hrc = phSUCCESS;
00371     int         brc = phSUCCESS;
00372     int         newblobdata = 0;
00373     int32_t     done        = 0;
00374     int32_t     state       = 0;
00376     phDisplayInterface  *d1         = NULL;
00377     phDisplayInterface  *d2         = NULL;
00379     phHistogramData     hist_data;
00380     phBlobData          blob_data;
00381     phblob              max_blob;
00382     int32_t             min_size    = 100;
00384     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00385     /* Remove the code below when using this code as an example.
00386      * 
00387      * This just checks whether "--test" has been specified with
00388      * a time value argument. It's for testing all the examples
00389      * without the need for human intervention. */
00390     int             test_loop_count = 0;
00391     int             count = 0;
00393     if (!glbl_disable_displays) 
00394     {
00395         d1 = vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Capture);
00396         phCHECK_PTR(d1,NULL,"vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Capture)");
00398         d2 = vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline);
00399         phCHECK_PTR(d2,NULL,"vision->getDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline)");
00400     }
00402     /* Begining mode is training mode */
00403     phPRINT("Training Mode: color 0\n");
00405     /* Inform the user */
00406     if (glbl_usenet_displays)
00407     {
00408         phPRINT("Press 'c' & <enter> to continue from train to track mode.\n");
00409         phPRINT("Press 'c' & <enter> again to quit the program.\n");
00410     }
00411     else
00412     {
00413         phPRINT("Close the filter output window w/'q' or ESC to progress.\n");
00414     }
00416     /* Connect the blob data and histogram data objects */
00417     rc = blob_data.connect(vision->getBlobFilter()->getLiveBlobOutput());
00418     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"blobData.connect()");
00420     rc = hist_data.connect(vision->getHistogramFilter()->getLiveHistogramOutput());
00421     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"histData.connect()");
00424     /* Keep going until all the windows are closed; 
00425      * if the user closes the windows, done will be set
00426      * if the windows aren't enabled, then 'c' will be pressed and done will
00427      *     be set to 1 */
00428     /* This transitions from 'train' mode to 'track' mode */
00429     while ((state < (glbl_color_count + 1)) && (!done))
00430     {
00431         /* training : histogramming */
00432         if (state < glbl_color_count)
00433         {
00434             rc = vision->train();
00435             phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->train()");
00437             /* Get the most recent histogram data */
00438             hrc = hist_data.update();
00439             phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"hist_data.update()");
00441             if (glbl_print_histogram)
00442             {
00443                 if (hrc == phLiveObjectUPDATED)
00444                 {
00445                     /* hist_data.print_data(); */
00446                     hist_data.print_stats();
00447                 }
00448             }
00449         }
00450         /* Tracking : blobbing */
00451         else if (state == glbl_color_count)
00452         {
00453             newblobdata = vision->track();
00454             phPRINT_RC(newblobdata,NULL,"vision->track()");
00456             if ((glbl_print_blobs) && 
00457                 (vision->getBlobCount(min_size) > 0) &&
00458                 (newblobdata == phSimpleVision_UPDATED))
00459             {
00460                 /* Get the most recent blob data */
00461                 brc = blob_data.update();
00463                 if ((brc == phLiveObjectUPDATED) && (blob_data.getTotalBlobs(min_size)))
00464                 {
00465                     blob_data.print_data(min_size);
00466                 }
00467             }
00468         }
00470         /* Yielding is optional. This gives up the thread's timeslice
00471          * to prevent slow response in other threads. It consumes more
00472          * CPU cycles than sleeping. Use it instead of sleeping if
00473          * this loop is processing anything */
00475         phYield();
00477         /* Remove this if block when using this code as an example */
00479         /* Set the loop control value to end the loop when testing */
00480         if (glbl_test > 0)
00481         { 
00482             phSleep(glbl_test); /* test's value should be a time (in secs) value > 0*/
00483             d1->close();
00484             d2->close();
00485         }
00487         if (!glbl_disable_displays)
00488         {
00489             /* Check to see if the user closed the displays, move to the next
00490              * state if they are closed and reopen the displays if we're coming
00491              * from the train state */
00492             if ((!d1->isOpen()) && (!d2->isOpen()))
00493             {
00494                 /* Coming from train code */
00495                 if (state < glbl_color_count)
00496                 {
00497                     /* Restart the displays that were closed */
00498                     rc = d1->open();
00499                     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"d1->open()");
00501                     rc = d2->open();
00502                     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"d2->open()");
00504                     phColor thresh = vision->getThreshold();
00505                     /* thresh.hsv24.s = (uint8_t)(thresh.hsv24.s * 1.2); */
00506                     thresh.hsv24.v = thresh.hsv24.v * 4;
00508                     rc = vision->setThreshold( thresh );
00509                     phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->setThreshold");
00511                     rc = vision->applyTraining(phSimpleVision_ADD);
00512                     phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->applyTraining")
00513                 }
00514                 state++;
00516                 if (state < glbl_color_count)
00517                 {
00518                     phPRINT("Training Mode: color %d\n",state);
00519                 }
00520                 else if (state < (glbl_color_count + 1))
00521                 {
00522                     phPRINT("Tracking Mode\n");
00523                 }
00524                 else
00525                 {
00526                     phPRINT("\n\nDone.\n");
00527                 }
00528             }
00529         }
00530         else if (wait_for(0,NULL) == phSUCCESS)
00531         {
00532             state++;
00534             if (state < glbl_color_count)
00535             {
00536                 phPRINT("Training Mode: color %d\n",state);
00537             }
00538             else if (state < (glbl_color_count + 1))
00539             {
00540                 phPRINT("Tracking Mode\n");
00541             }
00542             else
00543             {
00544                 phPRINT("\n\nDone.\n");
00545             }
00546         }
00547     }        
00549     return phSUCCESS;
00550 error:
00551     return phFAIL;
00552 }
00553 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
00554 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
00555 {
00556     phFUNCTION("main")
00558     char            *capture_path   = NULL;
00559     int             channel         = 0;
00561     phSimpleVision      *vision     = NULL;
00562     phSystem            *system     = NULL;
00563     phImageCapture      *capture    = NULL;
00564     phArgTable          *arg_parser = new phArgTable();
00566     rc = arg_parser->add("--test",&glbl_test,phARG_INT);
00567     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00569     rc = arg_parser->add("--blobs",&glbl_print_blobs,phARG_BOOL);
00570     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00572     rc = arg_parser->add("--hists",&glbl_print_histogram,phARG_BOOL);
00573     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00575     rc = arg_parser->add("--colors",&glbl_color_count,phARG_INT);
00576     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00578     rc = arg_parser->add("--nodisplay",&glbl_disable_displays,phARG_BOOL);
00579     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00581     rc = arg_parser->add("--net",&glbl_usenet_displays,phARG_BOOL);
00582     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00584     rc = arg_parser->add("--demo",&glbl_demo_filters,phARG_BOOL);
00585     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00587     rc = arg_parser->add("--help",(void *)&usage,phARG_FUNC);
00588     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00590     rc = arg_parser->add("--path",&capture_path,phARG_CHAR);
00591     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00593     rc = arg_parser->add("--channel",&channel,phARG_INT);
00594     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->add");
00596     rc = arg_parser->parse(argc,argv);
00597     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"arg_parser->parse");
00599     if (glbl_color_count <= 0)
00600     {
00601         glbl_color_count = 1;
00602     }
00603     if (glbl_test > 0)
00604     {
00605         glbl_print_histogram    = 0;
00606         glbl_print_blobs        = 0;
00607     }
00609     /* Allocate the phSimpleVision object */
00610     vision = new phSimpleVision();
00611     phCHECK_PTR(vision,NULL,"new phSimpleVision");
00613     system = vision->getSystem();
00614     phCHECK_PTR(system,NULL,"vision->getSystem()");
00616     capture = vision->getCapture();
00617     phCHECK_PTR(capture,NULL,"vision->getCapture()");
00619     phPROGRESS("\n");
00620     /* Net displays aren't enabled by default, so enable them now */
00621     if (glbl_usenet_displays)
00622     {
00623         /* only using the net displays, disable the other ones */
00624         glbl_disable_displays = 1;
00626         rc = vision->enableNetDisplay(phSVO_Capture);
00627         phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->enableNetDisplay(phSVO_Capture)");
00629         rc = vision->enableNetDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline);
00630         phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->enableNetDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline)");
00631     }
00633     phPROGRESS("\n");
00634     if (glbl_disable_displays) 
00635     {
00636         rc = vision->disableDisplay(phSVO_Capture);
00637         phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->disableDisplay(phSVO_Capture)");
00639         rc = vision->disableDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline);
00640         phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->disableDisplay(phSVO_Pipeline)");
00641     }
00643 #if 1
00644     capture->setPath(capture_path);
00645     /* Set the system specific capture card settings */
00646     capture->setChannel(channel);
00647     capture->setHue(34000);
00648     capture->setColour(39000);
00649     capture->setContrast(25000);
00650     capture->setBrightness(26000);
00651 #else
00652     capture->setChannel(channel);
00653     capture->setColour(39000);
00654     capture->setHue(29700);
00655     capture->setContrast(39000);
00656     capture->setBrightness(35000);
00657 #endif
00659     phPROGRESS("\n");
00661     rc = vision->start();
00662     phCHECK_RC(rc,NULL,"vision->start()");
00664     if (glbl_usenet_displays)
00665     {
00666         /* Wait till the user continues by pressing 'c' */
00667         phPRINT("Ready for user to connect to net display\n");
00668         wait_for(1,NULL);
00669     }
00671     phPROGRESS("\n");
00672     if (glbl_demo_filters)
00673     { 
00674         rc = demo_filters(vision);
00675         phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"demo_filters");
00676     }
00677     else
00678     {
00679         rc = train_and_track(vision);
00680         phPRINT_RC(rc,NULL,"train_and_track");
00681     }
00682 error:
00683     phPRINT("\n\n\n");
00685     phDelete(vision);
00687     phFree(capture_path);
00688     phDelete(arg_parser);
00690     return phSUCCESS;
00691 }

Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Philip D.S. Thoren ( )
University Of Massachusetts at Lowell
Robotics Lab Logo

Generated on Sat Jun 16 02:44:07 2007 for phission by  doxygen 1.4.4