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hsvthreshold_Filter::hsvthreshold_Filter uint32_t  h,
uint32_t  s,
uint32_t  v,
uint32_t  h1 = 255,
uint32_t  s1 = 255,
uint32_t  v1 = 10,
uint32_t  h2 = 0,
uint32_t  s2 = 10,
uint32_t  v2 = 255

This is the constructor for the hsvthreshold_Filter. The parameter list is used to set up all the processing parameters of the filter.

h Enable the Hue thresholding. Valid value hsvthreshold_Threshold / 1 OR hsvthreshold_Group / 2.
s Enable the Saturation thresholding. Valid value hsvthreshold_Threshold / 1 OR hsvthreshold_Group / 2.
v Enable the Value thresholding. Valid value hsvthreshold_Threshold / 1 OR hsvthreshold_Group / 2.
h1 The lower Hue bound. The default value for h1 and h2 are set to keep the filter from thresholding out any Hue value. (h1 defauilt: 255)
h2 The upper Hue bound. The default valye for h1 and h2 are set to keep the filter from thresholding out any Hue value. (h2 default: 0)
s1 The lower Saturation bound. The default value for s1 and s2 are set to make the filter threshold pixels that are not very saturated. (s1 default: 255)
s2 The upper Saturation bound. The default value for s1 and s2 are set to make the filter threshold pixels that are not very saturated. (s2 default: 10)
v1 The lower Value bound. The default value for v1 and v2 are set to make the filter threshold pixels whose value is very dark. (v1 default: 255)
v2 The upper Value bound. The default value for v1 and v2 are set to make the filter threshold pixels whose value is very dark. (v2 default: 10)

Definition at line 41 of file hsvthreshold_Filter.cpp.

Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Philip D.S. Thoren ( )
University Of Massachusetts at Lowell
Robotics Lab Logo

Generated on Sat Jun 16 02:44:37 2007 for phission by  doxygen 1.4.4